
Who are the people of JT Enterprises?

JT Enterprises was founded by Joseph Truhan in 1995. Senior Sales representative Joseph Scott joined the company in 2009. We are also pleased to welcome Wallace Smith Jr. in 2013.

Our phone number is 727-644-5113
Our fax number is 727-570-8794


Why use JT Enterprises Bulkheads?



JTE bulkheads are manufactured with virgin material. Which ensures high quality material, not second or third generation like many other bulkheads, which tend to crack.

Our bulkheads are made of ABS plastic. ABS is used in the plumbing industry. Because the bulkheads are black ABS, they are also UV stabilized, which is different from PVC which have a UV stabilizer in the material itself. Due to the UV stabilizer, our bulkheads will not crack when exposed in the elements.


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