
Is bigger better for beginners with fish tanks?

Hot take time! 

If you’re a beginner when it comes to owning a fish tank – maybe you should consider a bigger tank. Yes, you heard that right.

When most people get into this stuff, they want to nibble. They want to dip their toes in. They want to do the bare minimum in hopes it’s something that we like. But this isn’t putting together model ships or collecting baseball cards. These are living organisms that require care, time and commitment. 

Smaller tanks, while more affordable can create a lot of issues for beginners than they help solve. In fact the only thing they do better is make us feel a little better about the amount of money we spent. But let’s say you have the means to take the plunge? Should you. We think you might want to consider it and here’s why:

Big tanks don’t change quickly

One of the hardest things for beginners to grapple with is water concentration and tank maintenance. When you have a smaller tank, water changes from things like ammonia from waste can change your tank’s environment quickly. In addition, they also have greater stability when it comes to things like the water temperature and pH. Just think about it this way – you can heat up a cup of water more quickly than a large pot of water, right? So if there’s a heater problem, a drastic water chemistry change or a loss of power – you have a much bigger window to both recognize and appropriately address the issue. 

They’re easier on you rookies

Look, we all are well-intentioned and everyone wants to take good care of their fish. However, just like with anything else in life, beginners make mistakes – and sometimes big ones. In bigger tanks for example, food will settle and can cause fluctuations in pH and increased ammonia. Or say you test the water after you’ve added a fish and come to the sudden realization that ‘oops, maybe I didn’t cycle this thing correctly’ – all the madness that comes from that won’t result in you deep-sixing your entire aquarium. Again – more leeway for problems allows you more leeway to fix them.

Hey, it looks pretty good!

Taking all the over the top science, chemistry and everything else and setting it aside for a minute – why are we even doing this to begin with? Because we are interested in fish, want something cool to look at, etc! Bigger tanks mean more space for better plants and decor. Bigger tanks mean you can add more species of fish. And bigger tanks can take a boring room and make it a centerpiece of your home! 


Look, let’s just cut to the cheddar, here – if you’re more invested in something financially, you’re more apt to take care of it, engage in the right behaviors and habits and make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment. Smaller tanks are cheaper and sure – the entry fee to get into owning an aquarium is certainly more wallet friendly; but being invested in something will make sure you stay invested. 

If you’re looking for guidance on how you can better manage your aquarium, we’re here to help you out! Give us a call today and we’ll make sure you’re pointed in the right direction! Until then – good luck!

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