
How do I buy from JT Enterprises?

JT Enterprises is a manufacturer. Consequently, we only sell to other manufacturers, wholesellers, and online e-sellers. If your business qualifies as one of these, send us a copy of your business license and we will gladly send you a price list. If not, send us your complete address and we will gladly refer you to one of our distributors. We look forward to either serving you directly or indirectly through our distributors. Either way, we are committed to giving you excellent customer service.

Methods of payment accepted are the following: PayPal, Check, Terms, upon credit approval, and finally Credit Cards.

If you are a end user who would like to try our products, please send us an email to info@bulkheadbioball.com with your complete address and we will refer you to the nearest distributor or online e-seller if you wish.

Thank you again for expressing interest in doing business with us.

Have any questions about Bulkhead Fittings or BioBalls?

Please use the contact form below.


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