Joseph Scott spent over ten years in the computer an insurance sales industry. That experience helped him to find out the real basis of customer relations. Keep your word, Say what you mean. Mean what you say. We would rather disappoint a customer with the truth, then please a customer with a lie..
Joseph Truhan started out working with an Acrylic Manufacturing Company in the early mid 1990’s. He used his contacts an experience to form the foundation of JT Enterprises. He decided to offer a few very high quality products as opposed to offering many average products. He decided to over-commit to customer service, something we feel is impossible, and provide a product he could ensure was high quality and readily available by becoming a manufacturer domestically in the United States.
Wallace Smith spent nearly ten years in the Social Services field. This helped Mr. Smith form strong interpersonal communication skills with all varieties of people, an invaluable asset to our company.
We are the main contacts of this company, but we are not the only ones. We represent a team of dedicated individuals which include a shipping and manufacturing staff that is committed to making your experience with us a pleasurable one.
Thank you again, for expressing interest in getting to know us.